Briefly, the supreme Manifestations of God are
aware of the reality of the mysteries of beings. Therefore, They establish laws
which are suitable and adapted to the state of the world of man, for religion
is the essential connection which proceeds from the realities of things. The
is, the Holy Lawgiver—unless
He is aware of the realities of beings, will not comprehend the essential
connection which proceeds from the realities of things, and He will certainly
not be able to establish a religion conformable to the facts and suited to the
then, is the necessary connection which emanates from the reality of things;
and as the supreme Manifestations of God are aware of the mysteries of beings,
therefore, They understand this essential connection, and by this knowledge
establish the Law of God.
(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 158, 160)
Our conception of both religion and science must expand. We saw in the last post where intellect and
wisdom were the creative powers forming the universe, and I made a rough
correlation between intellect as science and religion as wisdom. But their connections run deeper.
A narrow definition of religion makes it into a collection of beliefs,
often shading into rationally unsupported dogmas, about reality. Such thinking divides humanity into the
followers of different religions—Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Baha’i—when they are really the unfolding through history of one religion
emanating from God. The news today is
filled with the horrific results of such narrow thinking that morphs into
hatred and bigotry. Such believers are
like the blind men touching one part of the elephant and confusing that part
with the whole.
In the opening quote, ‘Abdu’l-Baha greatly expands the idea of true
religion, making it into the essential
connection which proceeds from the realities of things. True religion, or religia, is, then, the
binding together of all parts of the universe, spiritual, mental, and material, by the
laws of God revealed by the Manifestation, Who alone can comprehend the essential connection which proceeds from the realities of
things. Thus true religion is not
allegiance to some ideas, set of beliefs or articles of faith, but
understanding and following the laws that structure the universe. These include
the material laws. Thus true religion is
true science, if by science we mean rational and empirical investigation into
the laws of the universe. Similarly,
science, properly conceived, is religion.
I say science properly conceived, because science for the last few
hundred years has not been properly conceived.
It says only the physical universe is the universe—one more blind man on the elephant. Our conception of science must expand also. ‘Abdu’l-Baha says: Scientific knowledge is
the highest attainment upon the human plane, for science is the discoverer of
realities. It is of two kinds: material and spiritual. Material science is the
investigation of natural phenomena; divine science is the discovery and
realization of spiritual verities. The world of humanity must acquire both. A
bird has two wings; it cannot fly with one. Material and spiritual science are
the two wings of human uplift and attainment. Both are necessary—one the natural, the other supernatural; one
material, the other divine. By the divine we mean the discovery of the
mysteries of God, the comprehension of spiritual realities, the wisdom of God,
inner significances of the heavenly religions and foundation of the law. (The Promulgation of Universal Peace: 138)
True science is the discoverer of realities. The fundamental realities that it discovers are
the essential connection which proceeds
from the realities of things. That
is, science discovers the laws of God, i.e. the reality of religion. So far, what we call science has been limited
to the natural laws, and some laws of human behavior. But with Quantum Mechanics and other
initiatives, such as Chaos Theory and Complexity Science, the intellectual foundations
of the material universe are being explored scientifically. This, too, is in line with the Baha’i teachings since “nature, also, in its essence is an
intellectual reality…” (Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions: 83)
But science is still some way from the discovery of the mysteries
of God, the comprehension of spiritual realities, the wisdom of God, inner
significances of the heavenly religions and foundation of the law.
Sciences of the spirit are, I believe, the new open horizon for the
human intelligence.
The complementarity of science and religion
makes them twin, mutually reinforcing, knowledges of one larger divine Reality,
which is Revelation. Indeed, ‘Abdu’l-Baha likens them to the two wings of a bird.
So close are they that He at one time
called science “the first emanation from God toward man.” (The Promulgation of Universal Peace: 50) At another He is reported to have stated: “The first bestowal of God in the world of humanity is religion….(Ella Cooper, Ella Cooper's Notes)
But He is clear that, though science and
religion are each emanations and bestowals of God to humanity: “The first emanation from God is the bounty of the Kingdom, which
emanates and is reflected in the reality of the creatures, like the light which
emanates from the sun and is resplendent in creatures; and this bounty, which
is the light, is reflected in infinite forms in the reality of all things, and
specifies and individualizes itself according to the capacity, the worthiness
and the intrinsic value of things.” (Some
Answered Questions: 295)
Let us say, then, that the first emanation—emanation is the origination of the world by a series of
hierarchically descending radiations from God through various intermediate
stages to matter—of God to humanity is the knowledge of God that pervades the
whole creation. This knowledge is transmitted to humanity in
the form of a Revelation. What true science
discovers and what true religion comprehends is the Knowledge of God in its current
configuration of the universe.
Linking last
post with this one, we can say that the Revelation of the Manifestation of God casts “on the mirror of creation new and wonderful configurations” from the essential
connection which proceeds from the realities of things. The
human mind discovers the new configurations of wisdom, while wisdom unfolds
into the mental forms of intellect and the material forms of sense. True science and true religion investigate and
reveal both these realities. To conceive
science and religion in this way should end their acrimonious debate over which
is true knowledge, and would put out the fires of both scientific and religious
prejudice. More about mind in the next